Member Site Promotional System Redesign

Promotional Design - Why This Work?

Promotional design refers to the strategic planning and implementation of visual and informational elements to effectively convey messages and encourage desired actions among the target audience.

For the membership site in this project, the promotion system includes alerts, notifications, and promotional content. Promotional design is critical to how the site displays and stores these components and how it fosters CTAs.

How might we…

… create an intuitive, retrievable, and user-friendly notification system?

… send targeted and content specific promotions to specific lines of business?

… design notifications to minimize visual information overload and clutter?


UX Designer / UI Designer / User Researcher


Jun 2023 - Aug 2023

Main Practices

UI UX Design / Prototyping / Usability Testing

Understand & Define

First, I tried to analyze and define the main components and characteristics of the current extension system, in order to have a clear understanding of the design objectives.

Break down promotional design in 3 categories:

  • Alert

  • Notification

  • Promotion

Define attributes for each category:

  • Color

  • Tone

  • Feature & Rules

Ideate & Prototype

Based on my understanding of the promotional system, I ideated some low-to-medium fidelity prototypes to explore their visual appearance in real screens. The following prototypes helped me conceptualize user engagement and interaction, brought me an initial but comprehensive view of the design, and provided a proper iteration for sufficient and detailed feedback.

  • Banners

  • Notification icon

  • Promotions in mega navigation menu

Design Review

Next, I present the prototype with the cross-functional teams to gather feedback from different perspectives. The design review helped me generate new questions, and get clarified on the direction for refinement.

High-Fidelity Prototype

Alert Icon & Pop-up

Display Multiple Alerts

Support Alert Retrieval

Take Less Space in Collapsed State

Mega-Nav Menu Promotions

Page-Specific Promotions

Carousel Design for Multiple Promotions

Usually Hidden - Less Distraction During Browsing

Usability Testing




218 general participants

The testing result helped me validate decisions, uncover imperfections in layout, and interactions, and discover opportunities to enhance the design.

Next Steps

  1. Launch the remaining promotional usability tests

  2. Gather and analyze test result

  3. Finalize the design based on user feedback

  4. Development handoff by the end of September 2023


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